Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Work out 2- Simple At Home Circut

Here's the workout for today originally from aka The Life of Kate. She has a ton of great workouts and recipes that I really want to try out.

For this workout I did it as posted, minus the jumping jacks (still in the apartment).  Instead I did 40 leg lifts on each side in - 20 to the front (10 with knee pointed up, 10 with leg turned out) 10 to the side, and 10 to the back.  I know it's not the same as the cardio you get from the jumping jacks, but I am sure the lady below me really appreciated the change.  This workout took about 20 minutes and while I wasn't really breathing heavy as I would with cardio, I was getting sweaty and each round was definitely harder than the previous. 

In the original post it mentions a saying that Abs are made in the kitchen... and eating healthy is something I really need to focus on.  I use the Myfitnesspal app and that help me keep track of calories and such, but I definitely need to cook more often.  One upside of buying a house (besides the fact that I will have a house- yay!) is the fact that I am eating in more so I can save up more for those extras that I know will pop up as soon as I move in to the house in about two weeks.  It also keeps me busy packing so that I am not eating out of boredom (which is something that typically happens a lot in the summer).

Happy Wednesday!

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