Friday, June 27, 2014

No Excuses Circut from Pop Sugar

Did a 35 minute circuit today from Pop Sugar. This workout consists of 3 circuits of 3 exercises each.   I did the beginner version, at 10 reps each but they recommend moving up to 15 reps each once you are strong enough.  The only thing I had to adapt was the push-up and rotate in circuit 2- I tried it for the 1st round, and it was HARD.  I then did regular knee push-ups for the last 2 sets. 
This was a fun workout- lots of balance and interesting moves- a lot of them were new to men (or at least new variations of tride and true exercises such as the plank).


Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Work out 2- Simple At Home Circut

Here's the workout for today originally from aka The Life of Kate. She has a ton of great workouts and recipes that I really want to try out.

For this workout I did it as posted, minus the jumping jacks (still in the apartment).  Instead I did 40 leg lifts on each side in - 20 to the front (10 with knee pointed up, 10 with leg turned out) 10 to the side, and 10 to the back.  I know it's not the same as the cardio you get from the jumping jacks, but I am sure the lady below me really appreciated the change.  This workout took about 20 minutes and while I wasn't really breathing heavy as I would with cardio, I was getting sweaty and each round was definitely harder than the previous. 

In the original post it mentions a saying that Abs are made in the kitchen... and eating healthy is something I really need to focus on.  I use the Myfitnesspal app and that help me keep track of calories and such, but I definitely need to cook more often.  One upside of buying a house (besides the fact that I will have a house- yay!) is the fact that I am eating in more so I can save up more for those extras that I know will pop up as soon as I move in to the house in about two weeks.  It also keeps me busy packing so that I am not eating out of boredom (which is something that typically happens a lot in the summer).

Happy Wednesday!

Monday, June 16, 2014

Push-ups, Planks, and Pilates- Getting Fit one Pinterest Workout at a Time ~ 7 minute HIIT Workout


Welcome to Push-ups, Planks, and Pilates.  I am Emily and I have had the idea to try out a bunch of Pinterest workouts and blog about it for a while and decided to finally go for it.  I hope I can help you weed through those work-outs all while having fun working out.  We all pin a lot and do a lot less- at least I know I do.  My goal is to actually complete (or at least try) many of the workouts or monthly challenges I have pinned and this blog will help me stay accountable and motivated to do that.  That way, instead of sitting on the couch pinning potential workouts for 30 minutes, I may get off my butt and actually do them more often.  Most of the time I will post work-outs I found on Pinterest, if I did the workout as is or if I changed it a little and what I thought- was it easy, hard, etc. Sometimes I will post healthy meals or just things that inspire me. Many of the workouts will be great for anyone to do at home with minimal equipment, and some will require a pool or cardio equipment (treadmill, elliptical, or spin bike) at the gym.

Follow me on Pinterest to see what work outs I pin and which ones I choose to actually do!

A little more about me:
I am 27.  I weigh 141 right now.  I am 5'1.  I have bigger hips (41 inches) compared to my waist (26.5 inches). I am a member of the Y and love my trainer there. I am a music teacher during the school year for wonderful kids grades 1-6 (Check out my music ed blog) I am getting married in December (YAY!) to the most awesome guy ever.  I love Macaroni and Cheese.  I am hoping to loose a little weight (10 or so lbs) before the wedding all the while becoming stronger, more fit, and more energetic in general. 

I am fairly new to working out consistently.  I have always been semi-active doing figure-skating and cheerleading when I was little, dance and musicals in high school and college and running club with my elementary students as well as working with a  personal trainer recently.  I am by no means an expert, just a regular person who gets sick of doing the same work-out over and over again. 

Todays Work-out:

Me post workout
I adapted this popsugar workout (pinned from tumblr) for me and apartment living (in two weeks I should be in a house and will be able to do all the jumping around I want!) I picked it because it is a full body workout that is pretty self explanatory (love the pictures!)  Instead of doing a circuit, I ended up doing a tabata interval (alternating 20 seconds on with high intensity and 10 seconds rest for 4 minutes total) for each exercise. There are so many tabata timer apps for free it makes it super easy- no need to keep an eye on a stop watch because it beeps at the right times telling you when to start, stop and when you are all done!  I skipped the jumping jacks, high knees, side plank, and push-up rotations either because of the 3rd floor apt noise factor, or just because I am not strong enough (yet). Each of the exercises started out seemingly easy to do fort he 20 seconds, but by the 8th repeat I was struggling on a few of them.  Adapted, this was a great 32 minute apartment workout and let me tell you, I was sweaty.  I will definitely need another shower before going to my summer job! 

Leave comments with links to your favorite pinterest fitness workouts or challenges.
